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(Tripods charged according to area)



Q: Can the order be canceled?
A: If the order is under status awaiting fulfillment, please contact Fauaue customer support at 

support@fanaue.com to cancel. If the order is shipped, the order cannot be canceled.

Q: Can the order be modified?
A:  Order cannot be modified once it's placed successfully. However, you can contact 

Fauaue customer support at support@fanaue.com to cancel the order if it's under status awaiting fulfillment then place the appropriate order again.

Q: Can the shipping address be changed?
A: Shipping address cannot be modified once the order placed successfully. However, customer can contact 

Fauaue Customer Support to cancel the order if it's under status awaiting fulfillment then place the order with the appropriate address again.

Q: If customer chooses the standard shipment, how long will it take?
A: Standard delivery usually takes 10-45 days from receipt of order and different countries vary; if you want to receive the package faster, please contact sales@fanaue.com in advance.

We have got stock of some models at our warehouse in US, Canada, UK, Germany and Australia, these will take shorter time in delivery.

Q: How can customer get support on how to use a product or to find out if 

Fauaue product is compatible with some phone/camera?
A: Customer can directly send inquiry to support@fanaue.com. 

Fauaue customer support will get back to you with the solution at the soonest.


If any suggestions or ideas on our products or product design, please send your email to support@fanaue.com.

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